Change for the Better Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Coaching face-to-face in Daventry, Northampton, or UK-wide online.

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Questions About Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy and Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique

How many sessions will I need?

Change need not be slow nor difficult. Using NLP, some people may reach a goal with a single session. For example, addressing a phobia can usually be done in one session. For other issues, we shall be able to say once we are clear about the outcomes you are seeking. I suggest that you allow initially for three consultations. Then, we can assess whether you have reached the outcomes we agreed or whether you wish to continue. My intention is to keep the entire process as brief and 'contained' as possible. Certain problems, especially exhaustion or burn-out are likely to require more consultations, over a longer time period.

Can this type of therapy be done online?

Yes, it can. We can work together using Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique online, by Skype or Zoom. NLP, coaching and hypnotherapy, too. Many people prefer the flexibility and convenience of online consultations as well, of course, the time saving.


What is the initial free assessment for?

A 30 minute conversation either by phone or face-to-face enables you to ask questions about my use of Clinical EFT, hypnotherapy and NLP for therapy and bringing about change and to get a feel for whether you want to work with me. At the same time, I can begin to explore what it is you need and can tell you whether or not I am able to help.


How can you help me improve my business?

By reducing or removing personal problems such as stress, anxiety, unhelpful habits or even a phobia, you have more energy, time and resources to devote to your business. It can be salutary to realise just how much of your time has been lost due to such impediments. It may be that rather than a problem, you would like to enhance an existing ability such as communication skills, focus, motivation, self-belief, general performance. Many such issues can be addressed in a small number of consultations.


What does the "body-mind" or "mind-body" connection mean?

Psychoneuroimmunology studies the impact of our psychology on our physiology. This is more commonly known as the mind-body connection. Because our thoughts affect our feelings and our feelings affect the chemistry of our brain and body we can promote healing in our body by working with those thoughts and feelings. In practice this means that just as we can gain some control over our thoughts and feelings - using for example, Clinical EFT and NLP - we may influence our physical health too. We may use Clinical EFT, hypnosis and NLP as complementary to conventional medicine in the treatment of disease and injury. Psychological and emotional support is crucial for effective management of 'physical' health problems. For example, Clinical EFT can be particularly beneficial for people undergoing medical or surgical treatment for cancer.

Chronic physical pain too can be alleviated by Clinical EFT; our perception of pain is altered by our emotional state.


What is 'Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique'?

Clinical EFT is a form of energy psychology which can be described as a blend of acupressure and psychology, or "acupuncture without needles". It involves tapping on certain meridian points whilst talking about a problem. Certainly, it looks strange but it is highly effective for a wide range of problems whether apparently purely physical (such as pain or disease), psychological or emotional. It is useful for psychological and emotional aspects of medical conditions. Its effectiveness with post-traumatic stress is well known and demonstrated by research. It is particularly helpful as part of a treatment protocol for M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The scientific basis of Clinical EFT is now better understood and there is considerable research evidence for the effectiveness and operation of Clinical EFT. For example: reduction of cortisol (stress hormone); reduction of pain; reduction of anxiety; reduction of depression; reduction of PTSD symptoms; lowering of blood pressure; improvement in immune system markers; increase in happiness. Some ongoing research (P. Stapleton, 2021) investigating the use of Clinical EFT for chronic pain is indicating significant reductions in pain severity, the impact of pain and the anxiety, depression and stress associated with pain.


Do I really have to do homework?

Only if you want to, of course. But I hope to convince you that spending time between our consultations practising some technique which I have taught you, will give you the progress you want and more quickly. Learning and practising such a technique (which might be from EFT or NLP) gives you some control too, over your problem or issue for change.



What is NLP?

NLP or Neurolinguistic Programming helps people change the way they think and feel in order to become happier and more effective. NLP can be used with many different concerns ranging from allergies, anxiety, stress, weight loss, phobia to more obvious performance areas such as stage fright, motivation, decision making. The emphasis is upon choice - choosing the state we are in rather than feeling controlled by it. NLP is not only for problem-solving but for increasing what is good in our life. NLP can bring about change rapidly, often in a single session. As with EFT, you do not have to tell me the whole story behind a problem - this is not a talking therapy in the usual sense. We 'use your brain' to create more helpful thought patterns and habits in your life.


I thought NLP was about improving sales techniques?

It can be used as part of sales training because it is concerned with excellence in any area of life, whether at work or at home.


I like the idea of hypnotherapy but how can I tell whether I can be hypnotised?

Hypnotherapy involves helping the client into a state of trance in order to install change. Trance is something we all do naturally, every day of our lives. For example, we are often in trance when engrossed in a TV programme, a book, a film; many of us are in trance as we drive somewhere familiar, "on automatic pilot". Perhaps you are familiar with that state of being almost awake but simultaneously partly asleep when you first awaken in the morning. A hypnotherapist helps you to reach this trance state and most people find the state familiar and relaxing.


Who has control when I am hypnotised?

You do. As the hypnotherapist, I guide you in the direction of a solution to a problem and make suggestions for change. In doing so, I am communicating with your unconscious mind and your unconscious will not respond to suggestions which are against your interests. You can call a halt at any point. Unless you choose otherwise, you will remember what has taken place during a session.


Is there any connection between hypnotherapy and NLP?

Yes. As a hypnotherapist, I may employ NLP techniques which use trance and hypnosis to achieve a particular therapeutic or development goal.


Is it necessary to delve deeply into a painful past?

It is not always necessary to "delve". There are some applications of Clinical EFT and NLP which keep us firmly in the present for therapy and personal change. With NLP, the approach is to ensure you are not governed by a difficult past event. If there are occasions when a current problem arises from a past situation and it is beneficial to go back to that situation, you are never forced to do anything or go anywhere you don't want to. When we do agree to go back to the past (for example, using time line) it is done in a way which minimises any pain or discomfort. Of course we cannot change the past but particularly with NLP and Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques, we can change the effects of the past, what we learned from a past event and how it has an impact on our life now.


You can read more about me here, or alternatively, take a look at our pricing.


"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
Maya Angelou



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